Overuse (Repetitive Stress Injuries)

Repetitive stress injuries from overuseOveruse injuries commonly happen on the job and with sports. These types of injuries are often called repetitive stress injuries. Repetitive stress injuries can affect bones, muscles, tendons (including the biceps tendon), nerves and other structures of the body involving the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. 

An overuse injury occurs from repetitive activities or forceful exertions. It can result from repetitive impact on hard surfaces, vibrations, or prolonged positions causing repetitive stress on the body. You might repeat the same motion too often. You don’t have to put a lot of stress on your muscles or overload your body for this to happen. Tennis elbow is a common example of an injury which can be caused by repetitive stress.

This injury can happen right away or take a while to develop. Carpal tunnel syndrome is commonly referred to as an overuse injury of the wrist and hand. Other examples of overuse injuries are tendinitis, bursitis, IT band syndrome, patellofemoral pain of the knee, and plantar fasciitis of the foot.

Contact the Milwaukee repetitive stress injury physician for treatment.
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Shoulder painShoulder
Elbow painElbow
Carpal tunnel painCarpal Tunnel
Knee painKnee
Ankle painAnkle